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Singles and albums produced since 2009

Mandhar Ghrib

Recorded in London, and mastered by the Grammy Award winner ”Tim Young”, at Metropolis Studios in London.

Type: Single

Number of tracks: 1

Language: Arabic

Year: 2018

Younes Elamine - Mandhar Ghrib


Episodes includes revisited versions of songs previously released in “Nouveau Décor”, and five new songs. In total, it has nine original songs and one cover of “Masters of War” (written by Bob Dylan).

Type: Album

Number of tracks: 10

Languages: Arabic, French and English

Year: 2013

Younes Elamine - Episodes

Nouveau décor

Debut album recorded in Nice (France). It includes five original songs.

Type: EP

Number of tracks: 5

Languages: Arabic and French

Year: 2009

Younes Elamine - Nouveau Décor